what do tb mean in texting

What Do TB Mean In Texting? Your Guide to This Common Texting Abbreviation

Ever get a text from your teen with ‘TB’ and wonder what the heck they’re talking about? As a parent, trying to keep up with the latest texting abbreviations and slang can feel totally frustrating. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. TB is one of the most common texting abbreviations out there and stands for ‘to be.’ Your teen is probably just letting you know what their plans are for the day or weekend. So take a deep breath and relax. We’re here to be your guide to understanding TB and all the other confusing text abbreviations your kids throw at you. Pretty soon, you’ll be fluent in text speak and can fire those abbreviations right back at them!

What Do TB Mean in Texting?

If you get a “TB” in a text from someone, it typically means one of two things:

Text Back

The most common use of “TB” in texting is to request a response. When someone sends you “TB”, they’re asking you to text them back. It’s a quick way to start a conversation or make sure the other person received your previous message.


“TB” can also stand for “Throwback“. If someone texts you “TB” along with an old photo or memory, they’re sharing a throwback from the past. The “Throwback Thursday” trend on social media helped popularize using “TB” this way in texts and posts.

Whether it’s a request for a reply or a trip down memory lane, “TB” is a useful little abbreviation to know. Next time you get a “TB” in a message from a friend or family member, you’ll understand exactly what they mean and can respond appropriately. Text them back, share an old throwback photo of your own, or do both!

Text messaging has spawned so many abbreviations and acronyms that it can be hard to keep up. But “TB” is one of the most straightforward – and versatile – shortcuts out there. Keep this guide handy in case you ever need a quick refresher on what “TB” means the next time it pops up in your texts or social feeds.

The Origins and History of “TB”

TB, or tuberculosis, is an abbreviation with a long history. The earliest written mentions of TB were in India (3,300 years ago) and China (2,300 years ago). During these ancient times, TB was referred to as “consumption” because of the way it seemed to consume people from within.

TB caused 25% of all deaths in Europe during the 1600-1800s and similar numbers occurred in the United States. Known as the “White Plague,” TB did not discriminate and affected all classes. The poor living conditions of the Industrial Revolution helped TB spread rapidly in crowded cities.

The Discovery of the TB Bacteria

In 1882, the German scientist Robert Koch discovered the tubercle bacillus, the bacteria that causes TB. This groundbreaking discovery eventually led to the first TB vaccine in 1921 and effective drug treatments in the 1940s and 1950s.

With the rise of antibiotics, TB rates began dropping dramatically. However, TB evolves quickly and some strains have become drug-resistant (DR-TB), making treatment difficult. According to the WHO, TB still infects 10 million and kills 1.5 million people annually, making it a global health threat.

While “consumption” is an archaic term, “TB” endures as a well-known abbreviation for this ancient disease. Through awareness and modern medicine, we continue the fight against this persistent foe that has plagued humanity for millennia.

How Is “TB” Used in Modern Texting?

In texting and instant messaging, “TB” is commonly used as an abbreviation for “Throwback”. As in, sharing an old photo, memory or experience from the past. For example:

  • Did you see the TB pic I posted on Instagram from our road trip last summer? So many good memories!
  • TB to that time we got stuck in the haunted house at the fair! 👻😂

TB can also stand for “Too Bad” when expressing disappointment or regret over something:

  • I have to work late tonight, TB we can’t meet up.
  • TB you have to miss the party, it’s going to be epic!

Less commonly, TB may be used as shorthand for the Spanish phrase “También” meaning “also” or “as well”:

  • Estoy cansado de estudiar. TB tengo hambre! (I’m tired of studying. Also, I’m hungry!)

Despite what some websites claim, TB is not used in modern texting to signify “tight butt hole” as popularized in the TV show Workaholics. This is an outdated and inappropriate use of the abbreviation.

In summary, the most popular uses of TB in messaging are to signify “Throwback”, sharing memories from the past, and “Too Bad” to express disappointment over something. While less common, it can also stand for the Spanish word “También” meaning “also” or “as well”. Stick with these socially acceptable meanings and avoid any vulgar alternatives.

Other Text Abbreviations Similar to “TB”

Other popular texting abbreviations similar to “TB” include:


TBA is another text abbreviation that stands for “To Be Announced” or “To Be Advised.” You’ll often see TBA used when final details or information have not yet been confirmed regarding an event, schedule, or other plans. For example, “The meeting time and location are TBA.”


TBD is another text abbreviation that stands for “To Be Determined.” Like TBA, it indicates that final details have not yet been settled. For instance, “The date of the company picnic is TBD.” Both TBA and TBD suggest flexibility or uncertainty in a schedule or event details.


BTW is a texting abbreviation for “By The Way.” It’s used when you want to add additional information or mention something as an aside within a conversation. For example, “I’m free this weekend if you want to get together. BTW, did you finish that project for work yet?” BTW allows you to smoothly segue into another topic or share supplemental details.

Similar abbreviations include:

  • IDK – I Don’t Know
  • LOL – Laughing Out Loud
  • TTYL – Talk To You Later
  • NM – Nevermind
  • J/K – Just Kidding

As texting has become more popular, hundreds of abbreviations have emerged to allow for quick and easy communication. While “TB” specifically means “Text Back,” many other shorthand versions exist to save time and convey your meaning. Familiarizing yourself with popular texting abbreviations will help ensure you understand all those messages coming your way!

Using “TB” and Text Slang Appropriately

Text abbreviations are a fun way to communicate casually in virtual conversations, but it’s important to understand them and use them appropriately. The abbreviation “TB” usually means “to be” or “to be determined.” It implies that something, like plans or details, are still undecided or unfinished.

Using “TB” in Conversations

When chatting with friends over text, you might say something like:

  • “Dinner tonight at 6pm, movie TB” to indicate you have dinner plans but the movie choice is still to be determined.
  • “Project specs TB, will update ASAP” to let coworkers know project details are still being worked out but you’ll share info as soon as possible.
  • “Date this weekend? 😉 TB, let me check my schedule” to flirtatiously suggest making plans while also indicating you need to double check your availability before confirming a date.

Other Common Text Slang

Some other popular texting abbreviations and slang include:

  • BRB (be right back)
  • TTYL (talk to you later)
  • LOL (laugh out loud)
  • TMI (too much information)
  • IMO (in my opinion)
  • BFF (best friends forever)

Using Text Slang Appropriately

While text slang can be fun and make conversations more casual, be careful not to overuse abbreviations, especially in more formal communications. When in doubt, it’s best to spell out words and use proper grammar and punctuation. Using an occasional “TB” or “BRB” with close friends is fine, but avoid relying too heavily on text speak, which can make messages unclear or seem unprofessional. With the right balance, text slang can improve friendly virtual communication. But as with many things, moderation is key.


So now you’re in the know – TB means ‘to be’ in texting shorthand. Pretty simple, right? Next time your friends send you a message saying ‘TBH’ you’ll know they really mean ‘to be honest.’ Texting abbreviations are always evolving, but some of the classics like TB stick around. Learning the lingo will help you navigate those fast-paced group chats with confidence. And who knows, maybe you’ll even start using some of these abbreviations yourself now that you understand them. Text on, friend!

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