Turrón Carúpano

Turrón Carúpano 101: All About This Tasty Venezuelan Candy

You know those days when you’re craving something sweet but don’t want just another chocolate bar? Well, let me introduce you to turrón carúpano, a delicious candy from Venezuela that will satisfy your sweet tooth in a totally new way. With its crumbly yet creamy texture and rich flavor, this turrón is way more interesting than your average sugary snack.

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about turrón carúpano – what makes it so unique, the different varieties you can try, and some fun ways to eat it. You’ll learn why Venezuelans have been obsessed with this treat for over a century, and maybe even be inspired to try making some yourself. So if you’re ready to expand your candy horizons, keep reading and let’s dive into the wonderful world of turrón carúpano!

What Is Turrón Carúpano?

Turrón Carúpano is a traditional Venezuelan candy originating from the coastal city of Carúpano. Made from simple ingredients like honey, sugar, and nuts, this sticky-sweet treat has been bringing joy to celebrations for generations.

The Key Ingredients

The star ingredients in Turrón Carúpano are honey and nuts, typically almonds or peanuts. The honey and nuts are mixed together with sugar and sometimes egg whites to form a chewy, nutty base. Additional flavors like cinnamon, cocoa, or rum are also commonly added.

How It’s Made

To make Turrón Carúpano, the ingredients are first cooked together until thick and sticky. The mixture is then poured onto flat surfaces to harden. Once cooled and hardened, it’s cut into bite-sized pieces. The end result is a chewy, nut-studded candy that’s perfect for sharing.

A Taste of Tradition

Turrón Carúpano is an important part of Venezuelan culture and tradition. It’s commonly given as a gift during holidays and celebrations, and just the sight of those familiar gold wrappers can inspire feelings of nostalgia, joy, and togetherness. If you get the chance to try this delectable treat, savor each bite – you’ll be experiencing a sweet taste of Venezuela with every chew!

The History and Origins of Turrón Carúpano

Turrón Carúpano has deep roots in Venezuelan history. Its origins trace back to the Spanish colonial era in the early 16th century, when Spanish colonists brought their culinary traditions to Venezuela. The earliest turrones were influenced by a sweet originally from Jijona, Alicante known as ‘turrón de Alicante’.

Over time, the recipe was adapted to include local Venezuelan ingredients like honey from the state of Carúpano, pecans, and cocoa. By the 19th century, Turrón Carúpano had become popular as a delicacy and treat in Venezuela, with each region developing their own variation.

Today, the most well-known type is Turrón Carúpano, named after the coastal town where it originated. Made from pecans, honey, sugar and sometimes cocoa, it has a chewy, nougat-like texture. Turrón Carúpano is usually enjoyed around Christmas time, but its sweet and nutty flavor makes it perfect any time of year.

While turrón has Spanish roots, Turrón Carúpano is truly Venezuelan. From its local ingredients to its place in Venezuelan culture and tradition, Turrón Carúpano represents the fusion of cultures that shaped Venezuela. Next time you bite into its chewy, nutty goodness, enjoy a sweet taste of history!

How Turrón Carúpano Is Made

To make Turrón Carúpano, honey and sugar are cooked for hours until they caramelize into a sticky molasses-like syrup. Once cooled, the syrup is mixed with roasted nuts – typically almonds or peanuts.

Heating the Honey

Honey and sugar are combined in a large pot and heated, stirring frequently. As the temperature rises, the sugars break down and the mixture darkens. Cooks monitor the pot closely, checking the color and consistency. They’re looking for an amber-colored syrup that coats the back of a spoon. This usually takes 3 to 4 hours.

Adding the Nuts

After the honey has cooled slightly, the nuts are stirred in. Almonds and peanuts are most common, though walnuts or hazelnuts are sometimes used. The nuts are usually roasted first to enhance their flavor before being folded into the syrup.

Molding and Cutting

The honey-nut mixture is then poured into rectangular molds and left to set for several hours. Once firm, the block of turrón is cut into bite-sized bars. The classic shape is a diamond, but squares and rectangles are also common.

Packaging and Enjoying

The finished turrón bars are wrapped in wax or rice paper and packaged for sale. Turrón Carúpano is meant to be enjoyed on special occasions, particularly Christmas. Its sweet nutty flavor is best savored in small bites with a cup of strong coffee or sweet wine.

Turrón Carúpano is a labor of love, made fresh in small batches using just a few simple ingredients. The care and craft required to produce each bar results in a truly special confection and an important part of Venezuela’s culture and history.

Where to Find Authentic Turrón Carúpano

If you’re in Venezuela, the best place to find authentic Turrón Carúpano is in specialty stores that cater to Latin foods or in larger supermarkets. Look for popular brands like Jijona, Chucherias Venezolanas and Dulcería Carúpano. These brands import high-quality turrón directly from Jijona, Spain, the birthplace of turrón.

For those outside of Venezuela, your best options are:

Online stores

Websites like La Tienda and Venezuelan Cooking offer authentic Turrón Carúpano for purchase and delivery in the U.S. and worldwide. They work directly with brands like Jijona to import fresh turrón so you can enjoy the real deal. Place an order on their website and turrón will be delivered right to your door.

Latin markets

Check with Latin grocers and markets in your area, especially those that specialize in Venezuelan or Spanish goods. Some may carry popular brands of Turrón Carúpano, especially around the holidays. Call ahead to check availability and prices.

Specialty candy stores

Upscale candy stores, especially those highlighting international treats, may stock authentic Turrón Carúpano, especially soft turrón varieties like Jijona. Prices will likely be higher, but for a special occasion, it may be worth it to get the real thing.

As the popularity of Latino cuisine grows, Turrón Carúpano is becoming more widely available outside of Venezuela. But for the most authentic taste of this traditional Venezuelan candy, buy from reputable importers of Spanish goods or shop when traveling in Venezuela. With one bite of its decadent almond-studded sweetness, you’ll taste why Turrón Carúpano is considered the king of Venezuelan confections.

Frequently Asked Questions About Turrón Carúpano

How long does Turrón Carúpano last?

Turrón Carúpano has a long shelf life and can stay fresh for several months when properly stored. The hard varieties made of almonds and honey can last 6-12 months. The softer versions need to be refrigerated and will last 2-3 months. As with any food, check the ‘best by’ date before eating and look for any signs of mold or spoilage before consuming.

What are the different types of Turrón Carúpano?

There are two main types: hard and soft. The hard turrón is made of almonds and honey pressed into bars. The soft turrón has a texture similar to thick peanut butter. Within these categories, there are varieties with different nuts like walnuts or cashews and some with chocolate. The most traditional remains the hard almond turrón.

What is the nutritional information for Turrón Carúpano?

Turrón Carúpano is high in sugar due to the honey, so consume in moderation. A 1 ounce serving of hard almond turrón contains:

  • 170 calories
  • 10g of sugar
  • 6g of fat (mostly unsaturated fats)
  • 3g of protein
  • 1g of fiber

It also provides vitamin E, magnesium and antioxidants from the almonds. As with any candy, Turrón Carúpano should not replace whole foods in your diet but can be enjoyed occasionally as a special treat.

Can I make Turrón Carúpano at home?

Yes, you can make homemade Turrón Carúpano with just a few ingredients. You’ll need raw almonds, honey, sugar and egg whites. Mix the almonds and honey, then beat the egg whites and fold them in. Press into a pan and let set before cutting into bars. Homemade turrón may be softer than the packaged variety, but will still have an authentic flavor. Some recipes also add cinnamon, orange zest or other spices for extra flavor. Making your own turrón is a fun project and allows you to control the amount of sugar.


So there you have it – the sweet story of Turrón Carúpano. From its humble beginnings in a small Venezuelan fishing village to gracing tables and delighting taste buds around the world, this melt-in-your-mouth treat has quite a history. Hopefully you now feel like an expert on all things Turrón Carúpano.

The next time you take a bite of this crumbly, tropical candy, you can wow your friends with your newfound knowledge. And who knows, you may even feel inspired to try your hand at making some from scratch. With a little coconut, honey, egg whites and patience, you’ll be a Turrón Carúpano connoisseur in no time.

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