100k Instagram followers

How to Get 100k Instagram Followers (Seriously)

Look, we get it 100k Instagram followers. You’ve got big dreams of influencer stardom. You want to quit your day job, get paid to post pretty pics, and rub elbows with celebrities at exclusive parties. But let’s get real – actually growing your Instagram and hitting 100k Instagram followers takes more than artsy food shots and buying bots.

If you’re ready to get serious about social media instead of just dreaming about it, this article will break down actionable steps to authentically engage your audience and organically gain 100k real, loyal followers.

With some strategic planning and consistent effort over time, you can turn your pipe dream into a reality. But it won’t happen overnight or without hard work. So put that fidget spinner down and get ready to learn what it really takes to build your influencer empire the right way.

Why You Want 100k Instagram Followers

Increased Visibility and Credibility

With 100k Instagram followers, your account gains instant credibility and authority. People will see you as an influencer in your industry and niche. Your content and profile will get more visibility in search results and the Explore page. Brands may even reach out to work with you.

Potential for More Income Streams

Once you hit 100k followers, more opportunities to monetize open up. You can make money through sponsorships, product placements, affiliate links, and selling your own digital products or services. Micro-influencers with 100k followers report making $5,000 to $10,000 per sponsored post.

Ability to Attract Sponsorships and Partnerships

Big brands love working with influencers who have a highly engaged, authentic following. They’ll send you free products or pay you to promote them to your followers. The bigger your following, the more you can charge. Six-figure influencers frequently get $20,000 or more for a single campaign.

With 100,000 real, engaged Instagram followers, the world becomes your oyster. You’ll have credibility, visibility, and income potential that most people only dream of. The key is posting quality content, using relevant hashtags, engaging with your followers, and collaborating with other influencers. If you stay consistent, you’ll hit that 100k milestone before you know it. Then you can start reaping the many rewards.

How to Grow Your Instagram Following Organically

If you want to build a large, engaged following on Instagram without paying for ads or promotions, focus on posting high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with others in your niche.

Engage With Related Accounts

One of the best ways to gain new followers organically is to engage with other accounts posting content similar to yours. Like and comment on their posts, and some may check out your profile and follow you. But be genuine – don’t just spam other accounts hoping to get follows in return. Build real connections.

Use Trending Hashtags

Hashtags help people discover your content, so use a mix of popular hashtags (with over 500K posts) and medium-sized hashtags (50K-500K posts) related to your niche and content. But don’t overdo it, stick to around 5-10 hashtags per post. Track which hashtags drive the most engagement and followers to optimize your hashtag strategy.

Post Quality Content Consistently

The key to growing your following is posting photos and videos that your target audience will value. Post at least 1-3 times a day, and stick to a regular schedule so your followers know when to expect new content. Your content should be high quality, authentic, and reflect your brand’s style and voice.

Engaging with others, using the right hashtags, and posting consistently are tried-and-true ways to build your following organically. While it requires effort and time, growing your 100k Instagram followers account this way will result in a highly engaged audience that connects with your brand. Keep practicing and improving, ask your followers for feedback, and your following will grow over time through real connections and word-of-mouth.

Instagram Growth Hacks to Get More Followers Fast

Instagram Stories is one of the best ways to engage your followers and gain new ones. Post Stories daily showing behind-the-scenes footage of your day, product sneak peeks, Q&As, contests, etc. Reply to comments and questions to build connections. Stories disappear after 24 hours so people feel more comfortable interacting.

Set concrete goals for growing your account and review them often. A good starter goal is gaining 1,000 new followers per month. Track your progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on target. For example, you may need to post more frequently or try different content types and hashtags. Celebrate milestones to stay motivated!

Find Your Best Times to Post

Use a free tool like Iconosquare to analyze when your 100k Instagram followers are most active. Then, post at those peak times for maximum visibility. For many accounts, the best times are 8-10 AM, 12-1 PM, and 8-9 PM. Posting when people are online and scrolling through Instagram will lead to more likes, comments, and followers.

Other tips for gaining followers fast:

•Collaborate with other influencers. Do shoutouts, reposts, and co-created content. Their followers will discover you too.

•Run contests and giveaways. Offer a free product or service and ask people to follow you to enter. Make sure to promote the contest for maximum entries.

•Use popular hashtags. Search for trending hashtags in your industry and add them to your posts. People following those tags will see your content.

•Be active in your community. Like and comment on other posts in your niche. Engage with people who follow similar accounts. Some will follow you back.

•Post reels and IGTV videos. Moving images capture attention and go viral more easily. Even short clips can gain lots of views and followers.

With consistency and the right strategy, you can gain 100k Instagram followers in no time. Keep engaging your audience, optimize your posting schedule, and utilize the latest features to build your account. Stay patient and keep working at it each and every day. Your followers will come!

Buying Followers: Yay or Nay?

Buying 100k Instagram followers is tempting, but should you do it? There are some benefits to purchasing followers, like appearing more popular and influential to attract real followers and get endorsement deals. However, buying followers is against Instagram’s terms of service and can seriously damage your reputation if discovered.

The Upside

With more 100k Instagram followers comes greater visibility and engagement on Instagram. You’ll show up higher in search results and the Explore page, gaining more exposure. Brands may also see you as an influencer and offer you promotional deals and free products to feature on your account. For aspiring influencers, this can be a quick way to build your credibility and land big partnerships.

The Downside

Unfortunately, purchased followers are not real people genuinely interested in your content. They do not like or comment on your posts, and they never convert into customers. Instagram’s algorithm can detect unengaged followers and actually reduce your visibility over time.

More importantly, buying 100k Instagram followers violates Instagram’s terms and conditions. If caught, Instagram may issue a warning, temporarily disable your account, or permanently ban you from the platform. Your reputation and trustworthiness with real followers and brands will also suffer a major blow.

The Verdict

While buying 100k Instagram followers seems like an easy solution, it does more harm than good in the long run. Focus instead on posting quality content, using popular hashtags, collaborating with other creators, and engaging with your community. Build your following the right way, and you’ll end up with real influence and brand partnerships that actually mean something. Slow, steady growth through authenticity and hard work is the only way to true success on Instagram.

Maintaining 100k+ Followers: What to Do After Hitting the Goal

Keep Engaging

Now that you have over 100k Instagram followers, it’s more important than ever to stay engaged with your audience. Continue replying to comments, liking and commenting on your followers’ posts, and running contests and giveaways. Collaborate with other influencers in your niche to cross-promote to each other’s audiences. Your followers will appreciate your authentic interactions.

Post Strategically

While posting quality content regularly got you this far, you now need to be more strategic. Analyze which posts get the most likes and shares and give your followers more of that type of content. Consider doing some paid promotion on your most popular posts to extend their reach 100k Instagram followers. Space out your posts so you’re posting 2-3 times per day at the most – you don’t want to overwhelm your followers.

Build Your Email List

Now is the perfect time to start building an email list to have a way to reach your followers directly. Promote your email list in your profile and in your posts, offering a lead magnet like an ebook or cheat sheet in exchange for signing up. With over 100k Instagram followers, if even a small percentage opt-in to your email list, you’ll have a substantial list to build a relationship with.

Diversify Your Platforms

While Instagram got you to 100k Instagram followers, it’s a good idea to diversify to other platforms now too. Cross-promote on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to expose your brand to new potential followers. Build a following on those platforms by posting similar content that you post on Instagram. Diversifying your platforms protects you in case anything were to happen to your Instagram account.

Consider Monetization Options

With an audience of over 100k Instagram followers, you now have the opportunity to potentially monetize your account through sponsorships, product placements, affiliate links, and selling your own products or services. Be transparent with your followers about any monetization and choose partners and products that are a good fit for your niche and audience. Don’t oversaturate your feed with promotions, or you risk losing followers.


So there you have it – the real secrets to getting 100k Instagram followers. It takes time, strategy, high-quality content, and a bit of luck. But if you stay committed to engaging your audience, post consistently, utilize hashtags, collaborate with others, and employ a few growth hacks along the way, you’ll be well on your path to 100k Instagram followers.

Sure, it’s a lofty goal, but with focus and dedication, it’s an achievable one. The Instagram world is yours for the taking. Believe in your brand, be true to your voice, and let that blue verified checkmark find its way to your profile. You got this!

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